Dogs pant for all kinds of reasons—after exercise, to cool off, or even during moments of excitement. But when panting seems excessive or happens without a clear reason, it can raise concerns for pet owners. Whether it’s related to Miami’s heat or something more serious, paying attention to your dog’s panting can provide valuable insight into their health. If you’re ever unsure about what’s causing your dog to pant, contact Country Club Animal Hospital at (305) 663-3300 or book an appointment online to have your questions answered by our experienced team. Why Do Dogs Pant? Panting serves as a vital
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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
Dogs have a unique way of puzzling their owners with their behavior, and one of the most perplexing habits is eating grass. While some pet owners worry that this might be a sign of illness, others shrug it off as a quirky canine trait. So, why do dogs eat grass? Learning about the potential reasons behind this behavior can help you care for your dog more effectively and know when it’s time to seek professional advice. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog munches on grass during walks or in the backyard, this blog covers the potential causes, what it
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6 Reasons a Dog’s Paw is Swollen and What to Do
Watching your beloved canine companion struggle with a swollen paw can be both distressing and confusing. After all, those paws are essential for every tail-wagging adventure—from chasing balls at the park to cozy walks around Miami’s beautiful neighborhoods. A swollen dog paw isn’t just a minor hiccup; it could indicate a variety of issues that need attention. Here at Country Club Animal Hospital, we understand how much you care for your furry family member. If you’re noticing paw problems, give us a call at (305) 663-3300 or book an appointment online—we’re here to help! Reasons Your Dog’s Paws Are Swollen
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